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Word Definition Grope

She knelt down to grope for him, and after finding him, she closed the box. It was quite dark, as the season was too mild for a fire, and he had to fumble for games before he could turn on his lamp. The room seemed quite dark at first and they must have felt hand in hand. When you`re groping for something, you`re trying to master it. If you drop your flashlight in a dark cave, you may be looking for it. Beware of snakes! When Winston and some of her friends followed her and tried to grope her, Brown stabbed Winston in the chest. When you are asked a question and you are looking for an answer, you are at a loss for words. And if you can`t find your phone, you can fumble in your backpack and hope it has just been buried in your homework. You can also grope another person, although I don`t recommend it: touching is usually used to describe unwanted touching. He had to fumble with his left hand under coats to find it. Activists distributed leaflets showing a hand sticking out of a military uniform reaching out to grope a woman frowning.

Those who do not want the Divine Master should test their way as well as possible. Join our community to access the latest language learning and assessment tips from Oxford University Press! Find the answers online with Practical English Usage, your go-to guide to problems in English. Middle English, Old English grÄpian; similar to Old English grÄ«pan to be taken before the 12th century, in sense 1.